
Jennifer Lavers

Dr Jennifer Lavers


Jenn (Métis Nation) coordinates Adrift Lab, where the research undertaken by our wonderful team focuses on traditional (Indigenous) knowledge, and using wild species, especially birds, as sentinels of physical and chemical pollution in the environment. Islands also feature at Adrift Lab, as remote areas can act as natural ‘controls’. Jennifer invests significant time in science communication, including feature roles in documentary films such as A Plastic OceanBLUE, and Drowning in PlasticStay tuned for details of two additional documentaries due for release in 2025!

She currently works as a Healthy Country Coordinator for the Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation and Technical Writer for the Tangaroa Blue Foundation. She is also the Editor-in-Chief for the journal Avian Conservation and Ecology. Jenn holds Adjunct positions at numerous institutions in Australia and abroad, including Charles Sturt University’s Gulbali Institute, the UWA Oceans InstituteNatural History Museum (UK), and Curtain University.

Google Scholar profile here

Email: Jennifer.Lavers1 ‘at’