September Success Stories for Adrift Lab

September has been a big month, and it’s not even finished!

First, SCIENCE DOGS! Because, really, could anything be cuter than ⬇️THIS! ⬇️. If you haven’t already met the Adrift Lab mascots, then hold onto your lab coats folks! On the left is Vienna Sausage and on the right, sporting his “let’s get serious and run some stats” hair is Farley Mowat (named after a Canadian environmental scientist). Vienna would like to thank PhD candidate Megan Grant for making her a sausage-sized lab coat 🥰

Sciencedogs 0028

Adrift are also celebrating Catarina’s big win at the 6th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC6) which was held remotely in Kiel, Germany (the conference was actually in late-August, but…we’re celebrating in September). Catarina was accepted to present two (!) chapters from her PhD thesis, including a seminar on the effectiveness of MARPOL legislation on reducing plastics from ships. Her well-organised and visually striking poster (see below) on monitoring beach-based debris won SECOND PRIZE – woo hoo!

Dr Morgan Gilmour was a featured guest on the Ocean Protect podcast, to talk about our recent balloon study.

Don’t stop reading, we’re not done yet! 🤩

Lillian Stewart was awarded a speaking spot at the inaugural EnviSMART Student Forum (Conference) – her seminar was originally scheduled for September (hence the celebration in this post), but the entire event has been postponed slightly. Stay tuned for information on the date/time in the very near future!

Two Adrift Lab students are scheduled to submit their thesis in October, Emma Nichols and Jacqui Glencross, and two new students, Alice Hope and Harrison Talarico, are on the cusp of beginning their field work (no small feat during COVID-19!). So, stay tuned for more journal submissions and other big news in coming weeks. This is an exciting, but sometimes stressful time and we must all work together to provide support, encouragement, and celebrate the wins!