Dr Jenn from Adrift Lab features on ABC Breakfast News (national TV)

On Thursday morning (1 Feb) at 5:35AM Perth-time, Dr Jenn from Adrift Lab appeared on ABC Breakfast News (national TV) alongside host, Lisa Millar. They discussed what it’s like to live for weeks (or even months) at a time on some of the world’s most remote, uninhabited islands with (virtually) no power, no running water, and no outside communication.

Watch the 1st video clip here (from before Jenn sailed to Ducie)

\ ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1307550216605951

Watch the 2nd video clip here (from when Jenn got back – it shows photos and videos collected from the trip)

\ ➡️ https://fb.watch/qGp3F48w2i/

This is in the lead-up to Jenn’s departure on Sunday to Ducie Atoll in the remote South Pacific where she will be joined by fellow Adrift Lab team member, Dr Alexander Bond from the Natural History Museum (London). Together, they will spend 7 days on Ducie undertaking a seabird “health check” while 4 other scientists survey the surrounding reef (corals and fishes). The last major research expedition to Ducie was in 1991…so it’s a real priviledge to be part of the 2024 team. We are extremely grateful to the UK Blue Belt Programme for funding this trip, and to the logistics team at CEFAS and on Pitcairn Island for making the trip happen!