All Adrift: Science in the Ciderhouse

Adrift Lab researchers Megan and Catarina presented findings from their research to the public in conjunction with Launceston STEMinists and Red Brick Road Ciderhouse. The presentation covered impacts of anthropogenic waste on the marine environment, the importance of seabirds as sentinel species, and what can be done to mitigate these impacts at all levels of society.
“It’s exciting to present our research to the public, and it’s great to see so many people actively seeking a positive change.”
— Catarina Serra Goncalves, Researcher | Adrift Lab
The event was the final Science in The Ciderhouse talk for 2018 – a series of science communication events organised by Launceston STEMinists to engage the community with scientific research. Adrift Lab is looking forward to continuing to push marine plastic research forward, and to communicate their findings with local and global communities.