Looking Closely at Boobies on Bedout

In 2017, Dr Jennifer Lavers, Megan Grant, and Andrew Fidler of Adrift Lab travelled to Bedout Island in Western Australia as part of a research expedition to gather biological and ecological data on the Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra). A paper utilising data from this expedition was recently published in Emu – Austral Ornithology.
“It’s been a privilege to work on such an infrequently visited island, and with a diverse and collaborative team. The birds are incredibly vulnerable to disturbance, yet not afraid to fight back if you date catch them (for science). You have to admire them (ideally, from afar)”
— Dr Jennifer Lavers
Adrift Lab would like to thank Karl Lyons for his skilled assistance on Bedout Island, and Alicia Whittington and Joanna King from the Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions for providing logistical support for the expedition.
Photo by Andrew Fidler