Dr Jennifer Lavers Contributes to SciArt Walks for National Science Week

Sci Art Walks, part of the Beaker Street Festival is live and Adrift Lab could not be more thrilled and honoured to be a part of this event! If you’re planning to get out into nature this weekend, or even if you’re planning a quiet afternoon at home, head to www.sciartwalks.com.au to listen!
Sci Art Walks is an audio series featuring inspirational Tasmanian scientists and leaders (e.g., David Walsh, Professor Gretta Pecl, Bob Brown and even Adrift Lab’s very own Dr Jenn Lavers) speaking at iconic locations around Tassie. Each podcast also features a stellar cast of Australian musicians, such as Brian Ritchie, Ben Salter, Maggie Abraham, and Emily Sanzaro.
Adrift Lab’s Contribution to Sci Art Walks (‘The Secret Life of Muttonbirds’) is based around the suggested walking location of The Nut, Stanley (but you can listen anywhere!). This particular podcast takes the listener on a unique journey filled with beautiful stories of the historical, environmental and cultural connection many Australian’s share with muttonbirds (a type of seabird).
The Sci Art Walks Program has benefited from fantastic media coverage in recent days, here’s just a selection:
Beaker Street and Adrift Lab acknowledge
- Adrift Lab acknowledge the Tasmanian indigenous community, the traditional owners of the land where the Sci Art podcasts were recorded
- City of Hobart
- Detached Cultural Organisation
- National Science Week
- Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
- Destination Southern Tasmania
- Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service
- Inspiring Tasmania