Adrift Lab art-Sci collaboration (jewelery exhibition) in Melbourne

Adrift Lab are excited to be collaborating on another art-science exhibition alongside the amazing Liv Boyle Jewelry. Called 'SIFT', the exhibition is part of Radiant Pavilion Naarm/Melbourne Contemporary Jewelry and Object Biennial 2024 (read more about the exhibition here), and is supported by Yarra City Arts.

The collaboration involved Dr Jenn collecting beach-washed plastics while on Henderson Island in the remote South Pacific. The items were brought back to Australia (in Jenn's suitcase) and sent to Liv, who reinvented and reimagined each item: from random orange fragment to stunning necklace and pendant (see main photo).

Also featured in the exhibition are 100s of small plastic pellets (known as "nurdles"), blue fishing floats made in China (Hainan Province, Kunshe Plastic Factory), and white bits of unknown tubing (which Liv identified as being the inside of a pen - now a necklace!!)


#contemporaryjewellery #goldworkscollingwood #siftradpav #radpav #radpav2024 #plasticpollution #livboylejeweller #AdriftLab #PitcairnIslandsMPA #ArtScience #collaboration

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