Pelagic: An Art-Science Collaboration


Blindside Art Gallery in Melbourne is opening their new exhibit ‘Pelagic’ soon. The exhibit is a research-based, site responsive, art-science collaboration between contemporary jeweller Liv BoyleDr Jennifers Lavers of Adrift Lab, and sound artist Sara Retallick.

“I’ve always been a strong advocate for strengthening connections between science and the arts”

— Dr Jennifer Lavers

The exhibit features physical works made from anthropogenic marine debris collected by Dr Lavers in her recent expedition to Henderson Island, sound design installations, and scientific findings around the theme of the pelagic zone.

The exhibit will run from the 28th of August to the 14th of September, with an opening night presentation on the 29th of August from 6-8pm, and conversations with the artists on the 7th of September from 2-3pm.