Lillian Stewart Joins Adrift Lab

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I’m Lillian and I’m preparing to undertake my honours with Adrift Lab beginning July 2019. My research will involve analysing Pacific Gull boluses (regurgitated pellets) for plastic and other anthropogenic debris, building on existing data by recent Adrift Lab graduate, Bonnie Ferguson.

Birds have always held a special place in my heart, and since a very early age, I’ve always found their behaviour and interactions with the environment fascinating. When I became aware that human activity can have devastating effects on birdlife, I knew I wanted to do something to make a difference.

To be taken under the ‘wing’ of Dr. Jennifer Lavers and Dr. Alex Bond is more than I could have hoped for during my university studies! My fellow lab mates are some of the most passionate and driven people I’ve met, and I cannot wait to begin working alongside them.