Endnote Style files – Available to everyone

Recently, while the Adrift Lab team have been busy drafting new papers, we realised the Endnote style files for these two journals are not available (despite lots of folks posting on various forums & web pages asking for help).

- Marine Ornithology

- Ecology and Society

Logically, we reached out to numerous colleagues and bird-related groups via email, social media & put a discussion post on Research Gate asking folks to share existing files. After two weeks of searching, no file appeared.

This was both frustrating and disappointing on a number of fronts. First, our lab had clearly spent valuable time and energy searching for these files with no success. We also realised countless others must have had similar experiences. And like us, after giving up the search, would have created their own Endnote style file from scratch (a few colleagues replied to our emails indicating they’d elected to manage their references by hand due to the lack of Endnote file – crazy!) 👎

As a community, we can do better than this!

Adrift Lab contacted the Editorial Boards at both journals, at least one is investigating whether it’s possible for an Endnote style file to be posted on the journal’s webpage. In the meantime, here’s the Endnote style file we created for Ecology and Society (open access and available to all – how wonderfully efficient 🎉)

1 March 2021 – UPDATE – the new official Endnote style for Marine Ornithology is now available via Clarivate