Celestine Calvet receives Mouv’Occitanie scholarship

Huge congrats to our amazing Masters student, Celestine, who has been announced as the recipient of the Mouv’Occitanie scholarship. This prestigious scholarship is for students from the Occitanie region of France who are completing an internship abroad. Celestine is currently based at the Natural History Museum in Tring (about an hour north of London) where she’s been busy measuring Sable Shearwater’s from the museum’s collection, as well as compiling and analysing measurement data from other museums, such as the American Museum of Natural History.
To this she will add measurements from live-caught birds on Lord Howe Island, and throughout South and Western Australia and Ile St. Paul (a remote island in the Indian Ocean). Celestine is incredibly organised, and as a result, she’s made fantastic progress and has even been teaching herself how to code and analyse data in R – we are super impressed! Over the coming weeks, Celestine will investigate whether shearwaters from different regions are consistently larger or smaller (as body size often varies with latitude), these results will be written up for publication soon.
Congratulations Celestine! As we say at Adrift Lab, “good science, good people”.