Adrift Lab featured in Head On Festival in Bondi (on NOW!)

One of Adrift Lab's much-loved project partners, Justin Gilligan, is currently being featured in the Head On PhotoFestival showing in Bondi from 10 Nov - 3 Dec (go check it out anytime in the next 3 weeks!).

Justin's photo (see below) feature's one of the shearwaters included in Adrift Lab's research, as well as the 100s of plastic items we removed from the birds' stomach. Having photos like this featured in exhibitions - especially such a public one in a high-traffic area like Bondi Beach - ensures the important messages around reducing waste and human impacts on our planet reach as many people as possible in engaging ways.

Justin's photo with Bondi Beach in the background

Justin is an internationally renowned photographer - his incredible images win countless awards and wow audiences. For example, he was the finalist in "Our Impact" category of the 2022 AND 2023 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Awards and won 1st prize at the 2021 Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards (Plants and Fungi category).

We are SO FORTUNATE to have Justin as a member of our fantastic, interdisciplinary team. His kind, calming energy and unbelievable creativity encourages us to view the plastic pollution issue with a different lens (no pun intended) and we are endlessly grateful for his friendship and support.